Brookline Nanny occupation at in Brookline

is employing Brookline Nanny on Mon, 22 Apr 2013 21:07:45 GMT. I run a family office for a family who lives half the year in Brookline and half the year in South Florida. They have a 5 month old and a 2 yr old. WeÂ're looking for live-in full time nanny (primary), sporadic day time nanny (secondary), and baby nurse nanny (evenings 7:00 pm to 6:00 am) to sleep train the 5 month old. Additionally, a US passport is a plus, because the family sometimes travels at...

Brookline Nanny

Location: Brookline Massachusetts

Description: is employing Brookline Nanny right now, this occupation will be placed in Massachusetts. For detail informations about this occupation opportunity kindly see the descriptions. I run a family office for a family who lives half the year in Brookline and half the year in South Florida. They have a 5 month old and a 2 yr old. WeÂ're looking for live-in full time nanny (primary), sporadic day time na! nny (secondary), and baby nurse nanny (evenings 7:00 pm to 6:00 am) to sleep train the 5 month old.

Additionally, a US passport is a plus, because the family sometimes travels at a momentÂ's notice to Europe. Must have good credit and clean back-ground check.

If this is a position you may be interested in, please contact. The family is in and out of town between now and the end of April. As of June 1, theyÂ're in Brookline full time until end of October.

A. David Carrillo
(o) (
(c) (
- .
If you were eligible to this occupation, please email us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to .

If you interested on this occupation just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website

This occupation starts available on: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 21:07:45 GMT

Apply Brookline Nanny Here

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